"Combat Wounded Veterans"
Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter #1
Special Events

Operation Care Packages Oct. 06
Al Meadows (Chairman) (203) 929-3357
The Operation Care Packages Committee has been formed to sent thank you messagers from the public and veterans written on posters of support and to send care packages to Connecticut servicemen and women in Iraq or Afghanistan. Check website and/or printed communications from chapter for additional information as committee organizes. Additional information or last press release

Volunteers are needed for a proposed viola drive (how we raise funds to assist veterans in need ) ASAP. Commander will attempt to find a location. Call Adjutant Ross at 929-3115

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Corporal Laura Langdeau , USMC, was presented with a certificate of appreciation for her service to her country and for her dedication to freedom from Chapter 1 at our chapter meeting on Saturday June 5th at the Derby Veterans Memorial Building , 1 Atwater Ave., Derby, CT. Corporal Langdeau (additional info) is on convalescent leave after being wounded in Iraq.

Saturday, May 15th, 2004. Armed Forces Day. Commander John Doherty kicked off the recognition program to honor those Combat Medics and Corpsmen who were our partners on the field of battle. Attorney General Blumenthal , himself a former Marine will, host the program. Derby Mayor Marc Garofalo will welcome the honorees. This program follows another that happened last year that showered honors on the military wartime nurses who helped us all back to health when combat duties turned ugly. State Commander Kupecky and Chapter Commander Doherty kicked off this program at 10:00 AM. Nine medics and Corpsmen attended. At lease three of the nine hold the Purple Heart medal which means that they were injured saving the lives of others. Consider, for the moment, the person who is willing to risk his life to help save yours. This is the profile of a true hero. Medics Robertson Sheehy, Oliver Thomas, Mark Burke, Robert Normandia, Richard Donahue, Louis Prokop and Michael Tuccio were all Medics. Charley Williams and Manuel Gomes were Navy Corpsman.

On Saturday, March 27th, Linda Schwartz , the Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Affairs visited local veterans at the Derby Veterans Memorial Building and discussed happenings at the Home and Hospital at Rocky Hill. She has begun the process of building a new Hospital with all the bells and whistles for our veterans who live there. Commander Doherty has asked that all comers please RSVP so that we can plan for refreshments and space. Call him or Ross at 734-6695 or 929-3115.

New Purple Heart Stamp
The oldest military decoration in the world was commemorated with the issuance of the new Purple Heart postage stamp issued by the United States Postal Service on May 30, 2003. The new stamp is available at post offices nationwide. For the press release on the Purple Heart Stamp United States Postal Service, click here .

Department Officers Make National Office As Aides-De-Camp
National Aides-De-Camp shall, at the request of the National Commander, represent him at various functions and meetings. They shall make such necessary preparations in conjunction with official visits of the National Commander in their respective areas and should be prepared to accompany the National Commander and assist him as may be required. The following Department officers were appointed: Burke Ross from Chapter One, Derby, Shelton area. Bill Benson from Chapter 103, New Haven area. John Considine from Chapter 552, Enfield area. And, Evans Kerrigan from Chapter 1932, Darien area. All the candidates chosen have displayed honest effort in the cause of Veterans Helping Veterans and diligence in the performance of their duties.